Sunday, March 6, 2011


I heard you come home yesterday
I just prefer the silence of knowing what comes next
to the turmoil that aches in the effort of us
I used to speak with thought, conviction and bravery.
I'm louder now
you prefer the meek and fearful little old me
I suppose I am sorry to disappoint only because I don't want to disappoint you
You disappoint me.

Living the layers of us is
emptying me.

They say you served your purpose
What purpose is that?
I had such high hopes for our differences.
I thought we were adults who understood the sacrifice essential for multi-cultural connection.

Now there is an emptiness I never imagined I would feel with thoughts of you.
The end is the end of an era that was meant to strengthen me
and you
It hasn't accomplished anything so what's the purpose?  What's the purpose of me and you?
The truth of forever and never are interchangeable now...
so what for our vows?

All, scripted and framed and hanging so well -
in a house where they are just
without conviction.

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