Monday, August 23, 2010

Empty Dock

May 2008
There is so much more to this one, but I thought this clip was great.  The rest will be published in my book... someday!  :)

Last night’s dream was the answer to any and all prayers I’ve had in my lifetime.  I was alone, running on an empty dock, looking out at the water, down at the wood, out at the water, up in the sky, down at the wood… running… breathing… smiling… feeling… joy.  It wasn’t just any random falling dream; this dream evolved.  It was a short story of my life.  In the beginning, I was helping my family pack… all of them were packing to go somewhere, anywhere.  None of them were going together or to the same place, but I was helping them all pack.  I was anxious, breathing heavy, rushing, worrying, pacing, thinking… they say I was always thinking.  When the packing was done, I sent everyone on their way and when all was quiet I stopped and felt a surge of fear: I’M ALONE.  And as I began to turn around and see what I was alone with and in, I realized something: being alone is wonderful.  I never thought I would ever think such a thing… that being alone could be wonderful.  It is, wonderful.  I live it now – I believe it now – I love it now. 

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