Sunday, February 26, 2012


I don't want to follow your heartbeat to my end of the road
My direction contradicts this touch
It's not fair for me to feel so alive
next to you in my dreams
Next to you in tomorrow
Your arms haunt my soul and say goodnight
at the same time and I
handle the power of these thoughts
the power of you
and your memory
your incredible and infectious smell
your reach, my fear
I want to go back, to the touch, the toe, the tomorrow
I want to know that your shoulders ache for me
and your body lays with me
in the dark
The night that is ours
And the end of the walls that bind me
and trap me to my endless vision
of what might have been
if only I'd believed
if only I'd given in to the hunger
believed in myself
spoken the words on the tip of my tongue
Pride is crippling and captivating
and I lost you, I lost you
I lost you to time


Please follow this link... I haven't been writing because I haven't been following my muse.  My muse lives here